- This event has passed.
October 14, 2020
We were disappointed to have to cancel our April, ‘Planting Seeds for
Success’ auction, but we’ve come up with another way to offer you a
chance to win some wonderful items. We are going to have 5 packages
raffled off over the next three months!
Package 1 – A Calvin Klein Cross-body casual black handbag plus a silver-
grey handbag with shoulder strap, a black leather bill-fold, beautifully embossed
and $25 Shopper’s Drug Mart Gift card. Value $180.00+
Package 2 – Bath towels and washcloths by CARO Home, a Spa savvy bath
brush, Spring Green Vita bath & Shower, Bath & body lotion with vitamin E, a
triple candle lite and OOOH! A Ralph Lauren Luxe terry robe all wrapped up in a
beautiful gift box. Value $190.00+
Package 3 – ‘Wine and cheese’ – A cheese cutting board opens to hold cheese
cutter, server and wine opener by Legacy, a 750 ml. bottle of Prosecco organic
sparkling white wine from Italy, a bottle of a set of Crystal Clear candlesticks,
assorted chocolate treats and a $50 gift card. Value $180.00+
Package 4 – A lovely Dosail Floral purse, Estee Lauder ‘Modern Muse’ gift set
with eau de parfum and body lotion and $25 gift card. Value $185.00+
Package 5 – TLC Dehumidifier. Value $199.00
A raffle ticket costs $5.00. To make things simple, you can purchase a
ticket for each of the five raffles for $25.00. Draws: Package 1 on
Oct.14; Packages 2 & 3 on Nov. 11; Packages 4 & 5 on Dec. 9. This is a
fundraiser for the ‘Young Women Empowered’ program at Regina’s
Place, Good Shepherd. Please give generously, and good luck.