The McMaster Midwifery Program

The McMaster Midwifery Program

It is a five year commitment (2015-2020), whereby SI Hamilton-Burlington makes a financial contribution towards the educational expenses of a midwifery student who faces challenges.

During their third and fourth year, Midwifery students have added expenses such as transportation, equipment, and often placement accommodation. They have study sessions through the Summer, making it impossible to access a Summer job.

Testimony from a recipient of the award (Excerpt)
Being a mature student with a large family (7 children!) living month to month, I have had to fund my university education through OSAP. Having this bursary meant that I am able to lessen the amount of student debt that i am required to carry. I recall receiving the bursary at a time when I had all my university fees paid so the bursary was sent to me. Receiving that cheque in the mail at that moment was providence as I had several kids who needed things purchased (such mundane things as shoes and coats) .. There is no one single way in which being a recipient of this bursary has helped, but in a thousand little ways. I am doing this, going back to school as an adult and mother to 7 children, so that I may provide a better life for them, financially and otherwise. But being in school and having to live off of student loans brings with it another set of challenges in that I’m not always able to say yes to my children for things such as sports, or extra curricular, or sometimes even for necessities like new shoes.. Some of my children have part time jobs but some struggle enough with trying to maintain good grades in school and so don’t work part time jobs. lt is nice to be able to say yes sometimes… Thank you to the powers that be, for granting me this bursary. ..I hope to be able to contribute back to something like this in the future when I’m in a better place, financially. That I can pay it forward to someone else.